The Departure

Check out the first entry of the ROCKPILE video journal!
More coming soon.

One single comment

  1. Madgalene says:

    I can’t believe that two months will go by and I won’t get a chance to get another Super Burrito at Mi Casita with Michael Rothenberg! I may not get another Super Burrito in any event! In fact, last Wednesday, Sept 30th, the last chance I had to see Michael before he took off for the Rockpile tour, when I got back home, Judy patted my stomach and said “No more Super Burritos for you.” “Not even if I eat only half of it and bring the other half home?” I asked, and Judy said, “Not even that. From now on, it’s Taco a la carte.” “One Taco or two?” I asked, but received no answer. My fellow countrymen, you have been warned! Rockpile is on the road! Rockpile is in the house! Rockpile is coming to your town, and they are taking no prisoners! And my loss is America’s gain!!!!!!!

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