
After much consideration and searching for kennels and doggie day care, all the logistics, twists and turns,  Terri and I have decided that it would be cruel and unusual punishment to try to bring Ziggy along. Due to our hectic schedule on the road, we would have to check him into kennels/daycare often, all around the country, and we feel we would be asking for trouble. There is no way to screen all these places sufficiently. Think about it, 5 days in each major city, that’s like 35 days in the kennel and very little time with us. Why bring him?  We would be running to appointments and breakfasts and lunch and dinner and we would be leaving him behind all the time. We are sad to leave Ziggy, but relieved at this decision. We will miss him! Fortunately, a good friend will stay in our house while we are away and she likes Ziggy and will take care of him here at the house. (Chiqui, our other dog, will go stay at his friends house in Cazadero).  So,  Ziggy will be safe and comfy at home with lots of attention all day. But Ziggy (and Chiqui) will be with us in spirit (if he wants). Okay, whew, what a relief. It was looking like a ASPC nightmare. Maybe I will start sleeping better. We will sure to bring pictures of our totem and call him every night! Ziggy

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