Bird & Beckett

Title: Bird & Beckett
Location: San Francisco
Link out: Click here
Description: David Meltzer and Michael Rothenberg with the fabulous Bob Malone on piano
Start Time: 4:30
Date: 2009-04-12

SUNDAY, APRIL 12th, 4:30PM

an improvisatory performance
poetry & music


Poets David Meltzer & Michael Rothenberg share the stage with L.A. pianist Bob Malone, backed by local heroes Don Prell & Chris Bjorkbom…cobbling together some of the raw materials that Meltzer & Rothenberg will take along on an 8-city road trip in the fall, troubadors on a meander through some sites central to the cultural upheaval that was America in the 1960s and 1970s, performing their collaboratively-assembled journal of the trip at stops along the way,  with artists and musicians local to each spot.

The preamble workshop for the project  is not to be missed!

Bird & Beckett Books & Records
653 Chenery Street,
between Diamond & Castro in Glen Park
1-1/2 blocks from Glen Park BART station
& MUNI lines 23, 26, 44, 52 & J-Church

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