Dance Craze

This called be called “poem” enough I think; but it’s also part of the Ad For The MFA In Non-Poetry/Dance Craze Comp (imaginary real…)

I’ll give it a year
from the start date, a year
and it might take a year
to get to the start date
so two years from today, tops
until it takes on a life of its own
disguised as the concept
of everybody
the word everybody
can make anybody
like the word love
can make anybody
a shrill smile
(a lonely teardrop, what art?)
But I’ll give it a year,
hey, body, give it a year
to get to the year
Hey, mind, you can’t
lend me your ear
use your intellect to me mysterious
the way others use their appearance
use your body the way they use
their heart, dance away the heartache
and love away the dance ache
Ommmm I mean Like uh
if only you could erase your public past…
whirling dervish
the only dance you can do
when you’re not doing it
but you got to do it in one day
like the apple Eve ate
give us this day our daily fall
and then put love in a different cartoon of me
My Darth Vadar mask
at the window in the rain like a raven with a wing
baby it’s raymond brrrr outside…
My baby likes summer outdoor love things
but she loves indoor winter like love things–
the song “High winds on the bridge” is scarier than
the re-public for which it stands

–Chris Stroffolino

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