The animals rest. But we-
earth, sun, day, stars, wood, dawn
And I-
dawn, earth, wood, sun, stars, day
created of the above & below

can curse the above & below,
far below the animals hold a grudge.
It's so hard to forgive
	oneself for having loved,
giorno, alba, stelle, terra, sole, selva.

If I hadn't dialed 911
	I would have killed her,
she hurt me so, I,
		creature of hot blood.
The minion of the law explained
It is wrong to hit. 
She regarded the earth. We usually take    
   one such as you into custody.
She had the good grace to blanch.

It was something I had written
	that I did threaten
to have posted in a public place.

Challenging the law she went by me w/o fault. She struck a cowardly blow.

Lo mio fermo desir vien de stelle.
Lo mio fermo desir vien de stelle.
   Before I am stardust once more,
	you bastards,
    before I am powdered earth,

that she should grant me one glimpse,
   one glimpse of an understanding
laying out of her part in it, and mine,
   distinct. Or an understanding I at the 
outset attributed to her, held was her 
   capability, thus loved her for.
		Thus all that ensued.

Then even the sun setting could warm,
   warm my aging blood. If I could think,
"She hates me, has for many years, but

   once, for a time, her love was true-"
I could feel that the happiness I sacrificed
  on her account had been just sacrifice.

My life justly a waste.

Then, con lei foss'io de che si parte il sole.

Sun, stars, dawm, selva, giomo, terra!

But that will be a frosty Friday.
   I of the biggest heart, 
	father of the humanities, 
squandered my emotional capital.

If I was an asshole
	they who said so
were gerbils. Big mistakes
require large hearts to make them.
	And my mistakes were colossal.

The casket is lowered. The stars, tiny,
   the sun, no longer a concern of mine.

The dawn I found sweet.

The earth

The stars I found steadfast & wild

The wood

Where with my true love I might

The day that was offered to one
	more discerning

Out like a light