A long time ago now
		it seem	I became
	  a seminal event	   from two nothings
      made one. For me
  there was to be	No
      turning back. Like a sentence
           to death. It was 
      a sentence to life	the glorious
shoals of opportunities

			that slip in
		      & out.
                  As if one were a net.
                            from a nest
            made for me by those 
     who'd fetch me here

I	migrated
to another
   made by myself for others

		one 	among	whom
			misses me tonight
		as I do her.
Let her hear
that I could not stop for
the velocity set in motion
	14 billion years since 
   made a previous appointment.
              Look up at the arrayed
evidence. It regards
   you as 	all
enough for now to consider
   grief	in this scale

arises only from wasted life
   the life one has't lived
      in the shadow of death.
		  For speaking of dying
		       that fills each life
	   at the moment of closure.


A cruel magic trick 
    brought down the house
	& the curtain
	     would be sleep.
		    Child, sleep, 
			   so we can wake.

At eleven, the dream 
	of the transposed genitalia.
In the day, we read, studied, 
jouer au football. Counted ants.
	Learned to trust.
To decline to climb symbolically. 
Intelligence was our coin.  But falling
	ill, there appeared the staircase 
down to the snug. 

		There was a shadow,
considerable. It parted
& my love stepped out, so her gait
arrived with her smile, her smile
with her voice, which said everything.

He wrote, "As though I had never lived
until this minute," stopped by a lie
   or truth.
	Hold it.
A failing not unworthy of pardon.

She says, "And you have so many."

From the distance you cannot help
	but keep watching.

Fidelity. A Savings & Loan.

face in the hmm hmm hmm
soft clouds.

   The chance of She
My eye an open highway to the heart
   My ear	our auras	 tears
Eros 	penetratred
   Ferir me	de saetta	She
On another's arm
	& so spoken for,
		cloud cover yielding but one
	single ray, yet spoke
Di mi quando,
Quando, quando.

The gift not quite 
handed down
	generation to the next

& me grinning from ear to ear,
   being such a glorious grinner

& me grieving from basement up
   as born to it

Amor takes of all human faces, hers

Van Gogh stars whirled above the dune
   Love set above reason

A joke is consciousness

Re verses


Frost of the world in his hair
del dolce loco ov'a sua eta fornita
   e da la famigliuola sbigottita
at his having moved
		in his imagination.
per causa
forcing these stiff shanks 
	to crank him
		up once more.

The extreme dalliance of his
	extreme dalliance
		with daywardness
addendum to the vita
of a cool bonnie feller
busted by age along the rotting road.

Language is rotting. rotten.
-You bastards!
	red days when the shirts stank
   & the venality of Rome, second 
		to Desire, to admire
the semblance

hoped-for as the Pope has to hope Heaven
	be all that She, for_him_ could be.


NB: If the Romans of the first century had put insurgents to death with swarms of stinging bees, 
at times of crisis or at the dinner table when family visit, when running onto the soccer pitch, or
when kneeling in church, instead of making the sign of the Cross, we should flail wildly around
ourselves in all directions. But they didn't.