Andy Clausen in Home Planet News


The Highway

I see the steel living rooms
         hear the rubber slapping
                   & scratching
Headlights gone like the times
         when love would be victor
                   in the war for space
Those old truck stops
         once a mystery & a dream
                   of old movies & novels
Not on this highway
         lined with incinerated bones
                   the floatsam of genocidal calvinism
         lined with tobacco stained newspapers
                   defunct V-8s untreaded carcasses
                   abandoned boots of men & of cars
                   brakes axels oil cans
         and the green signs taking me to another mall
                   fast food strip prison church samsara
                             of sameness
This is not the land I travelled and believed in
                   40 years ago in the 51 Chev

I see storms brewing a repulsive radioactive spawn
I hear rich men & psychos call for death to the unknown
                   on the radio 24/7
I see a let freedom ring sticker
                   on the Coxackie Big House door
I hear Geronimo and Crazy Horse
                   and then don't
I hear the pop pop of death on the block
I hear the screaming and it fades
                   and all I can hear is the wind
                             in the wing & steel studs
                   dig into the winter road
