Joanne Kyger

San Francisco Beat: Talking With The Poets
San Francisco Beat: Talking With The Poets
by David Meltzer
City Lights Books, 2001


Historic Afterglows
         Definitely for David Meltzer

       First Gold Crown
          sparrow shows up today
                 on the mesa -- a solstice arrival

phenomena every year --
   such celestial clockwork
        Wow! then they'll leave

in April flying north
     -- tremendously reassuring

as the sky has grown suddenly dark
       at 12:23 pm with the radio forecasting

the season's first rain
       and maybe our new sliding glass doors

won't leak.
   Ordered with a white grid
     that's not what we got
        I have to STOP

at what's not there

     -- in fact will mention it no more
             but check out the thunder
                  & lightning now.

                  To go on
           thought you'd be interested
     in the term "cuddle capitalism"
   used by the German right
and quoted in this week's news

     Also noted
"You are listening
       to sweet and caressing notes and suddenly
           the tune flies up & away
              and you are carried with it --
                  this is thrilling."
                       It's the music of Harold Allen --

"Try not to think consciously
     drift, wait, and obey"
        says he    who prayed before playing
           infallible melodies
              like "Old Black Magic"

Oh look, the rain has stopped
       for a moment
          for a moment
the most intense wet green.

September 20, 2005


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