Gautam Verma



                             I have no motif only motivation.
                                                       – Gerhard Richter

Used to be people moving about in rooms
Houses people detect going in
Tides of the trees – palm-traits – poeseas

Don’t mirrors in flimsy space long to see the same
So bodies empty space in which move
What’s inside the letters – that’s all

The machines never work
Water retched on the lawn stacked to the top
Such are the usual policies in late places

Would have the look of looking for someone inside something
Across a plaster strip of leadenland escaped
Think of it – ere a man run out of hi-s-tory

People themselves cover in great distances
Want you at the same to record their differences
Nebulous veil of a photo read through

The shrink his own estimation detective
Steer to land – there’s no justice in the end
A lean man in a costume his costume stained

Who took port on the lake his own person
Who no further mention of motion make – withstay
An impress of sky the bent glass gains

- after Clark Coolidge's "Traces"