Selected Poems II


Liz Durand Goytia

Siren songs

I am feeling like drawing a mermaid
but one with songs lost
for only charm she holds
iridescent scales,
skin of mother pearl,
eyes of starry fish
keeping on tip of tail
the long pursued ace
of lost sailors...

Petty castaway he of a hardened skin and a heart full of flake. By salt stung his tongue by water his word washed away complete. In the current she swims like owner of the place. Sequined dress and froth, and hearing through the shells knows all secrets of the moon. That she waits, he knows not He just hears when she trills, the siren.

Petty castaway he of a hardened skin and a heart full of flake. By salt stung his tongue by water his word washed away complete. In the current she swims like owner of the place. Sequined dress and froth, and hearing through the shells knows all secrets of the moon. That she waits, he knows not He just hears when she trills, the siren.

You will fail to resist: the magnificent lilt far more potent than the warrior's most wonderful will. Incantations won't do, neither dust of the moon, neither bits of the clouds in your ears. You should not stand firm for it's not for the plain for whom the siren sings.

Cantos de sirena

Se me antoja dibujar una sirena, 
una que ya sin canto
sólo posea sus encantos:
escamas tornasoladas,
piel de concha nácar,
ojos de estrella marina 
y que guarde en una punta de su cola
el as que buscan
los marinos destanteados...

Él, náufrago de poca monta, tiene la piel endurecida y el corazón escamoso. La sal escoció su lengua y el agua borró todas sus palabras. Ella nada en las corrientes como pedro por su casa. Viste de lentejuelas y espuma, escucha a través de caracolas y sabe los secretos de la luna. Él no sabe que ella espera. Sólo escucha cuando canta. La sirena.

No podrás resistirte: el magnífico hechizo es más poderoso que la tremenda voluntad de los guerreros. No servirán de nada los conjuros, los polvos de la luna, los trocitos de nube en los oídos. No debes resistirte. Después de todo, no a cualquiera le cantan las sirenas.

Translation into English by Alex Escalante