"from Universe"

Ron Silliman


From Parrot Eyes Lust




For Elliott Helfer

I do this
      I do that

               hard drive hums a different tune

More of a growl really

                     Orphan files recovered

  not unlike                   tips of text
           at the top or bottom of page

Please wait while this page restarts

             Dear lovely cursor

                                   little line
from which somehow letters leap forth
out of which words

                            warp & wave
        & wiggle

as certain
as gravity to a waterfall

               here deep in the forest

               Too much Saturn
                      not enough moon

                         We knew
                    not only that you like
                             to 'pop' your knuckles

but that you do so 'inside out'
          center fingers first
               from one hand to the next

           then pointer
                        then ring finger

   birds loud in the canopy

                  not a hint of the squirrels

             I see one robin
                         fat on the lawn

hard copy is
at least truthier

 	right at the soffit's edge
        where invariably
    I hit my head

Old iron wind chimes
                  you can smell the rust
        The rest is time

	          already at dawn
	 I hear someone's sprinklers

          Lavender hydrangea
	         up against the fence

  Squirrel among birdcalls

           Kiss of the hummingbird     (not seen)

        Who in that house
	    all those kids
	        the girls & their boyfriends
	reads a book?

	       Rabbit in the road

          Last night the first June bugs
	    tonight even more

	       Little concrete stupa
           hidden behind hastas

	         Newspaper ungathered
	   at the driveway's base

				Pulp of the banana
			slides down the esophagus
			          great lake
			    of stomach bacteria
That clicking, kissing sound
        is the squirrels

	      hum of the first
		      weekend pilot

	  Sun suddenly
	          casts its shadow

		   Hundreds of tiny
			 flying things
			        so small
you wouldn't even notice
		   but for this
		          moment of illumination

	    Dog's moan

		     so particular
		I even know
		         which dog		

	         now, somewhere in the mix
		          a rock dove coos

I know who he was
but never really read him

didn't notice
that he'd disappeared

		let alone that you'd died

now, 21 years later
these brilliant poems
shimmer in the light

			well not the light exactly
			         this gray paper
			   starting to darken with age

These beach houses
                   furnished all alike
             pastels too bright
		   seashell decorations
	         & the promise
		        of an outdoor shower

		        The "girl" at the market
		     made me happy
			with her Russian accent

		The compost of America
	    becoming that much more rich

		         The joints of my legs
		  conjoin with the pelvis
	         where  just to sit still
		     is not entirely
			      "pain free"

This gigantic notebook
	Gradually the poem
	          unveils itself

	  I hear my son yawn
		two rooms away

        The rain appears to have stopped

	       but that bird's returned
         with its 5-note song

	         Dear Philip,
		    it's 5:03 AM
	  nine hours west of here
	          three hours west of Hawai'i

          I have to be careful now
	     at the sight of the slightest spider
		 It might be you

			At dawn
		        one finds moths
			        gathered at the sink

		A pickup truck
		     in whose bed stand
		        tied tight
			(bright orange straps)
		     a dozen glass doors

From The Fly-Bottle



Taking on a new long poem at the age of sixty is really something. I have no idea
whether I would still have the vigor and ambition, need, that sort of thing, to do it. I have a tiny little secret hope that, after a decent period of silence and prose, I will find myself in some almost impossible situation and will respond to this with outcries of rage, rage and love, such as the world has never heard before.
M. Dick Paris Review Interview

Pages age
in stages

bound against what
but their nearest kin

the thread
thru the spine

an arc of pain
the bow pulled taut

flexed tendon
sends forth its call

into the cloud
posed as mind

I made
a pained face

my own reflection visible
window illumined, interior light

the woods beyond dark
but for June bugs

late into August
humidity is perfect

the air most, thick

in the lungs

the sprawl
to which one wakes

the spine with which
to twist

as if torque
might be an emotion

this is my sad face
but my happy one also

Emmett Kelly
to the heart

muscle is the master
without whose beat

no drum is possible

 but plausible to all
but the closest

for whom it dissolves
into pixels

how close
Chuck Close

the palm divides
as into map

lifeline but the root
of thumb's muscles

off of which shoot
any number

of other creases

with their own 

until one reaches
the original 

on a street corner
in the City

listeners, tourists, shoppers
the local unemployed

all commingle 
Woolworth's in the background

blow job in a hot tub
later that night

I would lose my voice
for days

what percent
of the world's population

wasn't yet born
the shock of seeing

friends now old
or not at all

the numbers dwindle
Berryman never

lived to test
his thesis

geese, the saxophones of nature
loudest at dawn

the mobile on a neighbor's deck
spins idly in the wind

tho the one next to it
is still, least bittern's

yellow-green legs
match perfectly

this marsh grass
tho the lone blue heron

on the far side
looks huge

beach town's main strip
smells permanently of popcorn

tho to get here
you have to pass Dover

where the dead arrive
every week

hapless guardsmen, serious patriots
no matter

training, so to speak
jihad's next generation

& the one beyond that
the last Civil War veterans

died when I was a boy
their widows, often younger

took longer still
the effects of Iraq

will linger
an entire century

poison in the system
(it was his task

being massive & strong
to hide the printing press

whenever the Cossacks were near
but not being bright

could not later recall
where in the snow

he had buried it
(the other spent a year in Mexico

for which there was a more generous quota
entering instead as a Mexican immigrant

who spoke only Russian & Yiddish
the one sold vegetables

from the back of a cart
which his son later upgraded

to a simple truck
while the other

like his brothers
became a bootlegger

& for a time became rich
before his love of the product

finally caught up
hat damp at dawn

just from the humidity
the book's pages limp

paper understood now
as an impermanent cloth

this book's binding
by the thickest of threads

handmade paper
inexactly cut

onto which
I imagine lines

not otherwise visible
save maybe as the cross-hatch

of grain
tho rain is forecast

could it be
wetter than this

thru the window
I can see my son singing

tho I hear not a sound

From Silence & Prose




Tuesday Night Trash

Calm as tho stunned, we performed our functions. She was a visitor. This is the stage of anti-imperialist struggle. This means defining with precision every class and ever sector within every class, and how each sector lines up at each stage in the struggle against imperialism. Continuity, divisibility, infinity. There was my life as form of fact. I had forgotten summer was an emotion. My points are extended, their borders provisional. A specifics taste, like chewing on a pencil. We begin to notice gangs of women roaming about the city. Patrick climbed into his Chinese drag. Amarillo ramp. I am Marion Delgado. These flowers bloom in fog. Trucks, cattle, dry grass, the moon in the morning sky. Herons wading in the shallow water. This is not so complicated. I swam in the tide pool, thick salt water. The fog burns off. This is the stage of anti-imperialist development. A great din at the ocean's bottom. Tho it was too crowded to see the front of the bus, I could see the sun-illumined faces of the boarders, the light in their hair, reflected on the inside of a window a few seats ahead of me. I had forgotten summer was an emotion. Memories of my mother's mother. We begin to notice gangs of women roaming about the city. Amarillo ramp. A tunnel under the river that would take you from Detroit to Canada. As the sun set they cooked dinner on Bolinas Beach. My points are extended, their borders provisional. Rough squares had been cut from the seat cushions of the bus. She wore a small silver chain about her waist that she refused to remove. Able to apprehend the object of my perception. Herons wading the shallow water. Patrick climbed into his Chinese drag. This means defining with precision every class and every sector within every class, and how each sector lines up at each stage in the struggle against imperialism. This is the stage of anti-imperialist struggle. A specific taste, like chewing on a pencil. I had forgotten that summer was an emotion. We begin to notice gangs of women roaming about the city. Woman in a pink pantsuit, head tipped forward, asleep. Come Sunday morning, we brunched in all the cafes. A great din at the ocean's bottom. She was a visitor. Each day the road took us inevitably by the prison. Small speckled eggs. My points are extended, their borders provisional. Memories of my mother's mother. This is not so complicated. Herons wading in the shallow water. Tho it was too crowded to see the front of the bus, I could see the sun-illumined faces of the boarders, the light in their hair, reflected on the inside of a window a few seats ahead of me. This is the stage of anti-imperialist struggle. I had forgotten that summer was an emotion. In the rear of the bus a man bottlenecked a guitar as two others wrestled silently in the aisle. Calm, as tho stunned, we performed our functions. Patrick climbed in to his Chinese drag. Trucks, cattle, dry grass, the moon in the morning sky. How was I to square my emotions for that beautiful, burned-out case? Woman asleep behind dark glasses. A great din at the ocean's bottom. A specific taste, like chewing on a pencil. Rough squares had been cut from the seat cushions of the bus. My points are extended, their borders provisional. This means defining with precision every class and every sector within every class, and how each sector lines up at each stage in the struggle against imperialism. Herons wading in the shallow water. This is the stage of anti-imperialist struggle. Here is the question of truth in fiction. These flowers bloom in fog. Memories of my mother's mother. As the sun set they cooked their dinner on Bolinas beach. Is the door a path which is sometimes closed, or a wall which is sometimes open? Anyone with a bullhorn and a red armband was a leader. Patrick climbed into his Chinese drag. Tho it was too crowded to see the front of the bus, I could see the sun-illumined faces of the boarders, the light in their hair, reflected on the inside of a window a few seats ahead of me. She was a visitor. A great din at the ocean's bottom. This is not so complicated. My points are extended, their borders provisional. Herons wading in the shallow water. My friends were all unhappy and confused over the pill, the diaphragm and the I.U.D. A tunnel under the river that would take you from Detroit to Canada. A specific taste, like chewing on a pencil. Come Sunday morning, we brunched in the cafes. The young Arab engineer, popping bubblegum, stood at the edge of the crowd. Fuck with fear. Memories of my mother's mother. This means defining with precision every class and every sector within every class, and how each sector line up at each stage in the struggle against imperialism. Trucks, cattle, dry grass, the moon in the morning sky. Patrick climbed into his Chinese drag. Rough squares had been cut from the seat cushions of the bus. A great din at the ocean's bottom. My points are extended, their borders provisional. There was my life as a form of fact. Woman in a pink pantsuit, head tipped forward, asleep. Tho it was too crowded to see the front of the bus, I could see the sun-illumined faces of the boarders, the light in their hair, reflected on the inside of a window a few seats ahead of me. Calm, as tho stunned, we performed our functions. When is the word "in the language?" Ideology is for everyone. A specific taste, like chewing on a pencil. This is not so complicated. As the sun set they cooked dinner on Bolinas beach. Memories of my mother's mother. She was a visitor. Patrick climbed into his Chinese drag. A great din at the ocean's bottom. The fog burns off. In the rear of the bus a man bottlenecked a guitar as two others wrestled silently in the aisle. This means defining with precision every class and every sector within every class, and how each sector lines up at each stage in the struggle against imperialism. These flowers bloom in fog. The old woman uses the Laundromat as a library, reading notices stapled to the bulletin board, discarded newspapers, magazines, engaging in small talk by the dryers or peering silently through the large windows, drinking from a bottle of Kaopectate. Over cocktails, relaxed, taking on not one but several conversations at once, I tended to mix the various responses. Tho it was too crowded to see the front of the bus, I could see the sun-illumined faces of the boarders, the light in their hair, reflected on the inside of a window a few seats ahead of me. Rough squares had been cut from the seat cushions of the bus. Come Sunday morning, we brunched in the cafes. A specific taste, like chewing on a pencil. Trucks, cattle, dry grass, the moon in the morning sky. Memories of my mother's mother. Patrick climbed into his Chinese drag. Able to apprehend the object of my perception. Here is the question of truth in fictions. This is not so complicated. A tunnel under the river that would take you from Detroit to Canada. Class struggle, at times hidden and then more open, assumes a wide variety of forms. The pelican flew alongside our car, accompanying us over the bridge. This means defining with precision every class and every sector within every class, and how each sector lines up at each stage in the struggle against imperialism. She was a visitor. Calm, as tho stunned, we performed our functions. Tho it was too crowded to see the front of the bus, I could see the sun-illumined faces of the boarders, the light in their hair, reflected on the inside of a window a few seats ahead of me. AS the sun set they cooked their dinner on Bolinas beach. A specific taste, like chewing on a pencil. Memories of my mother's mother. Small speckled eggs. My friends were all unhappy and confused about the pill, the diaphragm and the I.U.D. Rough squares had been cut from the seat cushions of the bus. Woman in a pink pantsuit, head tipped forward, asleep. An old scow emerged from the haze below the bridge. The two girls traveled with their mother, a professional shoplifter, from suburb to suburb, Kansas, Missouri, Texas, somewhat ahead of the cops. This is not so complicated. Trucks, cattle, dry grass, the moon in the morning sky. These flowers bloom in fog. This means defining with precision every class and every sector within every class, and how each sector lines up at each stage of the struggle against imperialism. Come Sunday morning, we brunched at the cafes. Tho it was too crowded to see the front of the bus, I could see the sun-illumined faces to the boarders, the light in their hair, reflected on the inside of a window a few seats ahead of me. A specific taste, like chewing on a pencil. Woman asleep behind dark glasses. There was my life as a form of fact.