Returning to the story of Einstein and his first wife, Mileva Maric, she was Serbian and studied 
physics in Switzerland at the same school as young Albert, and they became friends and
confidants and eventually lovers. She could keep up with him, and they collaborated on some early papers, the investigation into
corpusculence, a paper that nearly got them flunked because in the 1880s electromagnetism
was all the rage and where the money was, and these two were missing classes and trying to
figure out why a drop of liquid rises when a straw is inserted into a liquid like water, where is
the gravity? why this penetration of one into another? Perhaps increased electron interaction within the space-of-a-hair, and they could talk and kid
one another and make up secret names, he was Johnny and she was Dolly & they exchanged colossal kisses & tender kisses & got down to a special understanding of relativity & how things merge into one thing & then another & the one is the same as the other, now peaceful, now wrathful, now joyous In Vajrayana (Tibetan Buddhism), a vajra guru (read spreader of light), especially a terton (read discoverer of hidden, written treasures) needs a consort (read a female counterpart who interacts (read what you will) with the terton in the
discovery of the ter (read treasure), an earth ter can arrive in a tiny casket, which contains jeweled yellow scrolls written in either illusory miraculous script or
non-illusory miraculous scrip (for dakini, read wild, wise woman, in wrathful or ecstatic form, who
challenges the guru into going further & whom, living as she does on the Sambhogakaya (read
an imaginary) plane, can translate the language of the dakinis for him and so enable him to
write the message down in plain text Now these termas can come f/ sky, water, fire, earth, or be mind termas, Johnny & Dolly got themselves a mind terma, a whopper,
one hidden by Yeshe Tsogyel (read girl friday to Guru Rinpoche, the second Buddha) Yeshe Tsogyel hid this teaching, & here she must have been in her Wrathful Samatahadri form (read Mother of the Universe) As for Johnny & Dolly, by then they had married and had kids and divorced and Albert had hooked up with and married a distant cousin of his and moved to Princeton, while
Mileva suffered a nervous breakdown and a World War on her head and received not a nod of
recognition for all the E + M stuff they had decoded Abelard & Heloise had their fusions & fissions too and circulated their inner secret feelings in public. After 900 years we can still imagine them both embracing the wall that separates their two
cells, each of them sending their ecstatic thoughts through stone. Remember the puppet play at the
beginning of Being John Malkovitch? In Tibet, the imprints of hands and butts are still apparent in the rocks around caves where
Vajra yogins & yoginis did their stuff, while here in my cell there is only a wilting dianthus and a wastebasket of tears.