The way of magnanimous understanding
where a gerbil knows he's a gerbil

& thus acts correctly & refrains
	from pissing in the river

& my Laura is released
to live with me forever in non-gluttony

	non-idleness		a-sleep

		where true love flourishes
& not just in the suburbs of my brain

As for the iceberg known as meaning

Were there a Heaven
We would want to go there

Were there a Humanity
We would want to wear it
   not as burden, rather, ornament
Were there a God
We would want him to like us
 to be his unisex handmaidens

Were the world blind
  compared to what
we'd sail away to a finer port

Were there a will in the wind
  we would wish its intelligence
to fetch us through dark valleys
& stop us dwelling upon faults

Orient me, each would cry
Each to the sun in his sky

Quantity-wise & quality-wise
piteous tears reach critical mass
in of all eras, ours

If I could play with your rosebud
  minding to press down

Critical mass, like a gathering,

   a gathering in the nerves
might bend Justice Herself.


Gluttony, pornography, sprawling us
   across the cushions of idleness
& self-congratulation
  along the American Way

supported by slavery & murder
   at the borders.

Those days! 

My other life went up my nose
 	& lives in splendid isolation
   somewhere in my brain

that barely functions. "Help!?"

Help what? A river to arise on Helicon
headed straight to here, uprooting
what quickly's so much trash	
rescue one more gerbil from just fate?

et e si spento ogni benigno lume

As for laurels, gerbils elect gerbils 
& act purely proud & high & mighty
but their poems, when they write them,
	happy as clams at high tide
to use the word 'spir-it-u-al-it-y'
	as if for them God might still exist


	like the mud at low tide

So goes the State
		How goeth Laura?

Does any love discard the garbage dump?

		You can't afford the rent!"

 Where will my friends afford to live?

	You will have few
along the way you take.

Then there's the question of grace
Grace for sinners, grace for not
& how to distinguish it from offers
Zinging in f/  the Chamber of Commerce

(What do you personally 
not like so far?
And who are you?) 
These three lines appear in the original Mss. only.

Respect? You want respect?
I'll show you respect!

Let's start a fresh Crusade
140 acres each for all your men
Let Babylon tremble

And, oh yes, tell us about yourself,
ditz, your special needs. But
at the same time, Aidez-moi!
Language is people.