Mileva Maric & Albert Einstein
	developing a special 
Dark matter, 
	dark energy
  C squared = the square root of E 
Divided by M      initials carved 
  on the wall of spacetime.
Why does a drop of water rise in the   
  channel of an inserted straw? 
Penetrate the air? 
  Where is gravity?

New gravity. You walk on air   
  in your new gravity. No matter how 
Heavy, you keep it up-ignoring signs,  
  moving with your heart. A new gravity, Disagree, it looses authority.
  Overheard-"Those people, are you 
One of those, too?"-A leaf, you move  
  into openness. You have important things To do & no time for details.
  Live deep-summon laziness, a breeze,  The shape it comes forth in.
  Some go the way you think they might.
So a leaf in a warm wind starts out. 
  Æolus operates, veins filled w/ sunlight.
Wind strikes a chord, skirts bellow, &
  Bodies dance whether they want or not.
Wind affects a single figure,
  so many measures of one scale,
Then so many of another-
  wheatfields augmented w/backroads.
Fields come to meet me, wires loose, 
  the light harsh, I await a late bus.

At rest, I stay at rest until you
 enter. Do you have a date?
In a manner of speaking, you say
  leaving for the Corner Stone.
Sunday night at Rodeo, down on all   
  fours in the shoots. The grass, brutal Compared to your caress, the mint rank   
  beside your scent, the creek's chatter Overwhelmed our words.
  Earth loved us.

Green shadows follow the late afternoon.
  To my eyes, a field between two firs.
I listen to grasshoppers. Their thighs 
  make clear sounds in the stillness.

The bobwhite bobwhites, and a bird 
  called purplewreath purplewreathes.
Another, purple crepe, purple crepe.
  The chitbird's chit chit chit's heard.
One sings drinkyourtea, one,

I hear voices, I see visions, but no matter  
  how disordered my senses, I'm no Fool-or, if so, in the grand tradition.
  Knowing all lovers change, although 
I'd be The Last, I try again to impress
  my heart in yours. Let me move w/in You by the reading of my gift.

You will succeed & be acknowledged,
  absorbing much that is wrong.
You will, by instinct, become an artist
  & be remembered for what is yours Alone. You've got that bod. 
You are  sensuous pleasure & your clothes
  Doubly liquefactious.
You were made to be laid, no matter  
  some find that shameful.
You have been given a gift by Love,  
  to transform what is base into grace.

Hand on hand, smile on smile,
  I think and think, I do as I do.
Unhealed, the hurt hurts.
  Everything past was once in the future.
What's next? "Tell me," you say
  "It's not just DNA."