My sorrow, Ceclia, & my love,
Have but a single source, as You,
I trust, completely understand:
That myself, now being old & ill, 
Am altering beyond repair the man
You fell for, 30 years ago. Cecelia!

3 years I'd loved You, dear Cecelia,
& never spoke of it; I saw your love
Was for your husband; & I liked the man,
& loved my wife, tho' not as I loved You.
But then I heard you had split up- ill
Will both ways, you wept. To understand

I asked for more, but we two understood.
We parted with me saying, "Cecelia, 
Could we meet sometime?" You took it ill,
I though, during your long pause; love
The last thing on your mind. Then You,
At last, spoke: "Thanks, I needed that: Oh, man,

I heard the thought went into that; a man
Could not help tell himself: "She understands."
As day by day I waited, days became weeks, You
Failed to phone. "Ah well, I see, Cecelia
Is not for me." A month had gone. "David, love,
A female student wants to speak to you." "Ill, 

Were you? I missed You!" Silence. Then: "Ill
Mentally, I guess. I made a mistake. Wrong man.
Wrong me. I kept wanting you. It's you I love."
"I can't tell you how glad I am to hear-I understand
The delay-glad to hear you're better, Cecelia.
Can You see me at that café, Tuesday noon? See You

Then." To my wife: "an ex-student. Here. I'll show you
Some of her poetry." In the weeks to come, the ill
Will between my wife and I ripened, while Cecelia
& I were happy, as if for the first time, woman & man
Together, a joy that strengthened us until we understood
That betrayal of our marriages must be borne for love

That would outlast betrayal. And soon it did; for love
Afresh came to our spouses. And for 6-&-20 years, You
Have come with me, thru ill & good, to understand-
As our wonderful, complex daughter shall-that of ill
& good our lives are made, that often, a man
must wait out darkness, 'til soon or late, Cecelia

Shine through; a Cecelia, I hope, for any man
Patient & bold, though ill maybe, but understanding,
So that a You may come to you, & learn your love.