You, who by cluttering, assemble sparse rime,

Those who are superb, & I who dive naked,

Heart a cartoon colored with juvenile errors,

Fit for scorn once our era sinks into its future.

A skein of clashing styles in praise of weeping,

Aye, & of raging, catches my leaden eye,

Which watches as though with amorous interest

The fate of one as miserable for love as I am.

True, this man's diet of fresh vegetables, popular

Today in the extreme, & with astounding speed,

The servants say, inspires genial, sly copulation.

But as for my deal with marriage: forgone forever,

& the fifth floor, with its charming concierge,

Split into four pieces, words are not, alas! enough.


This early Canto, hitherto unfound, has none of the easy elegance or moving simplicity of this 
poet's mature writing. I only include it here to show what a difference Laura made to his poetry
and indeed to his life. Those who have so cheaply pitied him for loving a woman married to
another man, should give more thought to the misery of his situation and to the happiness
which it brought him.