"I'm doing my prostrations, 
all the lineage masters, 

and She arises as a yidam 
in the Refuge Tree, 
	me in yabyum as her consort. 

I want to kiss her lotus toes.

O wonderful that there was a man 
that could awaken!
O wonderful that the awakened man 
could teach the way to enlightenment! 
O wonderful that the enlightened man 
did not stay in this world as an immortal!
O lucky to be alive! 
O lucky to be able to send flowers 
to my love one more time!
O lucky to frolic in a big bed! 
To lay side by side 
& let our mindstreams mingle!
"I've dreamed of kissing you 
f/ the day we first met, & yesterday
we talked of kissing, 
& everywhere I looked 
people were kissing, on a bench
along the trail, in a car
in front of your apartment &
I couldn't let you leave w/out a kiss,
that kiss still on my lips." 

My angel came and sang,
The church is cold
but the ale house is warm.

"Kissing you & being kissed 
is what I want, & maybe 
there is time before you leave, 
& we could meet and kiss 
until our heart's are full, 
though a million kisses 
could not satiate my desire. 

You didn't have much room 
to squirm out of kissing me, 

when I cornered you in the restaurant, so you are not at fault for being 
deceitful there, it was kiss or create 
a scene, 
	but, now, like you realize
the kissing and the desire 
	for more kisses is real."

	No more words, 
		only more kisses.