Petrarch & Laura meet online
using instant messenger.

Petrarch says:
           Am I available?
Petrarch says:
           I am a solitary poet
Petrarch says:
           who lives with his mother
Laura says:
           are you?>??
Petrarch says:
    so, as far as a love relationship
 I dont have one
Petrarch says:
 I have intense friends
Petrarch says:
           and I mean Intense
Laura says:
           me too
Petrarch says:
           I love them dearly
Petrarch says:
Laura says:
Petrarch says:
& with a steadfast conviction
That Friendship Does Exist
Petrarch says:
           but I am not as convinced
Laura says:
           about Romantic Love
Petrarch says:
           as I was even 10 years ago
Laura says:
           me neither
Petrarch says:
           let alone 50
Petrarch says:
 but I will die a Romantic Poet
Petrarch says:
           it is my 5th Great Karma
Petrarch says:
           and so, I will love you
carnally, spiritually, or astrally
Petrarch says:
           because it is my way
Laura says:
 I want u and you want me 
(I think)
Laura says:
           So what is the problem?
Petrarch says:
           We need to meet

      Laura says:
           is that a Problem?
Petrarch says:
     maybe it is, maybe not
           not thinking that
Laura says:
           I wantto
Laura says:
	  envelope my limbs
Laura says:
           around yu
Petrarch says:
           am aroused 
Laura says:
           tis is true

Petrarch says:
           believe me
Laura says:
           I want yu
Laura says:
           as many may
Petrarch says:
can feel your sensuous energy thru the monitor
Laura says:
           I hope so!
Laura says:
I am real and I think about you
Petrarch says:
I realize this and I am turned on but I want to know if this is just something happening right now
Petrarch says:
I always get discombobulated at this point
Laura says:
           Yes I hear you
Petrarch says:
 because I'm basically paranoid 

Petrarch says:
           I wear a lot of armor
Laura says:
but I think we are in the same page
Petrarch says:
           I will trust again
Laura says:
           ha trust
Petrarch says:
           loaded word
Petrarch says:
           trusting my heart
Petrarch says:
know we are on the same page 
Laura says:
           on the same dance floor
Petrarch says:
I dont want to foolishly mess up 
Laura says:
Speak to me your true thoughts
Petrarch says:
many things are so uncertain
Laura says:

Petrarch says:
Petrarch says:
   when my mind gets blown, I am really flaky. I keep a precarious hold on things
Laura says:
Petrarch says:
u are an artist, u know what I mean 
Petrarch says:
           how the usual priorities 
Petrarch says:
           dont have much sway
Petrarch says:
           I follow the poem
Laura says:
well.U ot sure what you are saying
Laura says:
           but I know that
Laura says:
           you are Francesco
           and I am Laura
           and we are here dancing

Petrarch says:
           there is that vibrato again
Petrarch says:
nightingales are whispering.
I am sure they're nightingales.
Petrarch says:
           could use a cigarette
Laura says:
           I did tryto call you
Petrarch says:
	I feel like l~m stoned
Petrarch says:
         but I was online, no doubt
Petrarch says:
Laura says:
           but your line was busy
Petrarch says:
Petrarch says:
would you like to talk 
on the phone?
Laura says:
           I wanted to speak to you

Petrarch says:
we'll run up horriffic phone bills but so be it
Laura says:
but of course that would only evoke trouble
Petrarch says:
where do you stand with this guy you live with?
Laura says:
I seem to have these desires 
for you
Laura says:
that means I want yu
Petrarch says:
I know. but it complicates things with three people in a relationship
Laura says:
Petrarch says:
have been there, believe me
Laura says:
I am not sute of where I am;

Laura says:
           it is unfinisheded at best]
Petrarch says:
           so. will be support for you 
Petrarch says:
can be this
Laura says:
           ButI long foryou
           despite my push against it
Petrarch says:
And I will no doubt frustrate the hell out of you
Petrarch says:
           dry your longing out
Laura says:
           well ., ok. if tht is best[
Petrarch says:
dont want to keep you on a hook
Petrarch says:
           want to be a real friend
Laura says:
           I did not want to entertain
Laura says:
           such expectations

Petrarch says:
well, then if there is real love 
Petrarch says:
           it will become realer
Laura says:
           ha! ral love
Petrarch says:
ral love
Laura says:
does it exist?
Petrarch says:
meaning something that unifies all the loose ends
Laura says:
I will meet you one day... we will talk all about it
Petrarch says:
you know the poem I posted in
Laura says:
Petrarch says:
do you know what is there 

Laura says:
Petrarch says:
another sonnet by Francesco Petrarch
Laura says:
	youre prolific
Petrarch says:
you want to know what is weird?
Laura says:
Petrarch says:
I didnt post this poem, 
but I wrote it
Laura says:
           come on  
Petrarch says:
           I'm serious
Petrarch says:
  I sent it to a contest a year ago,
           then i retracted it
Petrarch says:
  and instructed them to delete it 
from their anthology
Laura says:
Petrarch says:
  It's posted there with the other poem that I didnt write but has my name on it, Bubblewrap. I wrote back to this author
Petrarch says:
	   here it is
Poem to Francesco Petrarch 
Strange to meet a stranger
who shares the same name.
Stranger, you are a poet
with a fine "Bubble-Rap" poem.
Wonder if you'll write me?
Wonderful to receive
a poem appearing to be
sent from myself-Francesco 
Petrarch, who are you?
Petrarch says:
  so, now someone is posting      poems I have written and p0-ems I havent written, what do you make of this?

Petrarch says:	
	    as well as me posting poems 
	to this person
Petrarch says:
           ifeel abitscizoid
Laura says:
           kindof spectral
Petrarch says:
you see why I have a precarious hold on things now?
Laura says:
 	but I know your feeling
Petrarch says:
Petrarch says:
           a world of ghosts. it is
Petrarch says:
love it
Laura says:
it us the life of a poet I suppose
Petrarch says:
   this is my publishing delirium, 
          and we are celebrating your
 entrance into print as a poet

Petrarch says:
so wonderful, you deserve laurels
Petrarch says:
so grand. let me spin you some across the floor
Petrarch says:
let me swoop you up and swirl you down 
Laura says:
I would trade my moments in time
Laura says:
           for one spin across the floor
Petrarch says:
oh. the heaven's generous
Laura says:
Petrarch says:
  I'm allowed a whole
 houseful of spirals
Laura says:
           I wish that I were there
Petrarch says:
can hear us being called to a 
higher plane
Petrarch says:
the heaven of attainment of
Laura says:
	  with you somehow
           just for a moment
Petrarch says:
you are in a tender and very dear way
Petrarch says:
dreaming you are
a dream
Petrarch says:
your heartrays pierce my armor
Laura says:
           I a telling you
Laura says:
tht I wil cme
Laura says:
           and race ny dreans
Laura says:
           across your heart
Laura says:
           if for nothing more

Laura says:
thqan aday
Petrarch says:
a day can be forever 
and a day
Laura says:
oops typos
Petrarch says:
I have adayortwo in memory like that
Laura says:
YOU.. are in trouble my friend
Petrarch says:
           because of YOU?
Laura says:
and I bcan feel you tremble
Laura says:
in myquake
Petrarch says:
           showering brilliance
Laura says:
  Let us dance while we can
Petrarch says:
dance through the marble pillars 

Petrarch says:
           to the balcony
Laura says:
           O take me to the corridor
Petrarch says:
you are very light 
Laura says:
whilst I faint
Petrarch says:
           I have a bottle of ether
Laura says:
Petrarch says:
         I mean ammonia
Laura says:
           to the garden then, quickl~
 Petrarch says:
Petrarch says:
           I whiffed it a bit to be sure
Laura says:
I wantto hide you in my chair
Petrarch says:
I'm small

Laura says:
Inbited many but YOU so rare
Petrarch says:
           dont inbite me too deep
Laura says:
chair is there
Laura says:
but never
Laura says:
Laura says:
	say keep?
Laura says:
the chair
Petrarch says:
keep the chair
Laura says:
Petrarch says:
not sure what youre thinking 
Laura says:
Laura says:
           I want you in the chair

Petrarch says:
the dance leads to this chair?
Laura says:
o yes
Laura says:
Petrarch says:
           ok, I'm in the chair
Laura says:
Petrarch says:
           yes, i am seated
Laura says:
in this chair
Laura says:
I bendto you
in this chair
Laura says:
I bend over to you across from this chair
Laura says:
           we twist around this chair
Petrarch says:
           our hair entangles

Laura says:
           arpund this chair
Laura says:
           I see our bodies 
surrounding this chair
Laura says:
In my mind
Laura says:
           I tell myself we are
           not supposed to BE around
Laura says:
this chair
Laura says:
But we are
Laura says:
Laura says:
and whio
Laura says:
           can sayv what?
Laura says:
Laura says:
           this chair inymind?

Petrarch says:
we sit together in this chair
Petrarch says:
you facing me
Petrarch says:
           I hold your weight
Petrarch says:
your gown is stretched 
Petrarch says:
there is a awkward movement to find space
Petrarch says:
draw you closer to me in this freedom
Petrarch says:
  what color are your eyes? 
I cantsee in thislight?
Petrarch says:
           take your hand
Petrarch says:
           shake your shoulder a bit
           to get you to look
Laura says:

Petrarch says:
           look at me> Laura
Laura says:
uh huh'
Petrarch says:
           can this make you happy?
Laura says:
Sharing you is happiness  
Laura says:
and a moment in tme ripe 
with sweetbeing iof truth
Laura says:
Laura says:
         is afleeting moment
Petrarch says:
and i tremble the closeness
Laura says:
Laura says:
         I want you to toss me
Laura says:
Laura says:
on your bed
Laura says:
         Over and over
Laura says:
         can you hear me? I NEED
Laura says:
i~m not confusing things
Laura says:
           BUTt am agreat slut
Petrarch says:
           am listening
Laura says:
Petrarch says:
  I know you are after
my own heart
Laura says:
           I have myb own heart
Petrarch says:
   right, just checking for body parts
Petrarch says:
           two hearts in tact
Laura says:
you think I want to claim ownership somewhwere upon you>?
 Petrarch says:
   when I am at this level, I have these odd feelings
Petrarch says:
           get thru this
Laura says:
           yes me too
Laura says:
but I overcome the wants the neglects
Laura says:
           of expectations
Laura says:
           There are no guarantees
Laura says:
Petrarch says:
           dontwant there to be
Laura says:
In want
there is only possible suffice

Laura says:
           I wantyou
Petrarch says:
           can feet you close to me
Laura says:
           I want your body
Laura says:
           in true naked surprise
Petrarch says:
Laura says:
Laura says:
I want
Laura says:
           the ecstacsy of physical
Laura says:
and am wiling tio meet its demiuse
Laura says:
Petrarch says:
want you to be intimate but not to the point of demise

Laura says:
Laura says:
           ltv always ends up
Laura says:
on a plate ofe demise somehow
Petrarch says:
           crispy fried, classic style
Laura says:
           well done
Laura says:
           aty best
Petrarch says:
           with tartar
Laura says:
I want you to toss me all over your bed
Laura says:
           like a salad
           Can you do that?
Petrarch says:
    yes. I can, until you are diced
Laura says:
Laura says:
Laura says:
           we are on
Laura says:
           forahot one
Laura says:
           you and I
Laura says:
We will have a water ritual
Laura says:
You and I
Laura says:
Do you see it?
Petrarch says:
oh yes, my imagination is 
working overtime
Laura says:
There IS no one that wil do it 
for you as...
Petrarch says:
am back to TRUST again, my love
Laura says:
           I wan you Franscesco

Laura says:
I wantyu.
Laura says:
Petrarch says:
damn. puters are difficult
Petrarch says:
Do the flowers change as I touch your skin?
Petrarch says:
           I trust
Laura says:
           You are afraid? of what?
Petrarch says:
I will be better once I see you for real
Petrarch says:
  the erotic writing  makes nervous
Petrarch says:
            you there?
Laura says:
Laura says:

Laura says:
           for me
Laura says:
Laura says:
Petrarch says:
gamble it all on love, Laura
Laura says:
Petrarch says:
even if this is absurd, do you believe me
Petrarch says:
helpless in the arms of Love
Laura says:
Petrarch says:
no escape
Laura says:
Petrarch says:
  our existence becomes like a valuable pearl

Petrarch says:
           we become like children
Laura says:
Petrarch says:
           promising you anything
Petrarch says:
           devine aggitation
Laura says:
Laura says:
           whisper me
Petrarch says:
Petrarch says:
           dont look at me
Laura says:
Petrarch says:
fall into the safety of my words
Laura says:
   come mnnnn
Petrarch says:
           am drowning with you

I cant remember who I was a few hours ago
Laura says:
Petrarch says:
                what is it Laura
Laura says:
               whisper me 
Petrarch says:
these words are for your ears only, my dream
Laura says:
assume nothing
Petrarch says:
You are a mirror
Petrarch says:
	You are a drum
Petrarch says:
You are the ocean
Laura says: