That Petrarch never seems to see her
   the same way twice

In precisely the same way	twice
   is what
constitutes her
   Her great & unusual beauty.
		          Saggio critico sul Petrarca

The joke is consciousness

Re verses


	"Frost of the world in my hair
del dolce loco ov'a sua eta fornita
   e da la famigliuola sbigottita
at my having moved
		in my imagination...

Us both alone in bed,
talking of this and that. We are
the only reality.

It's winter, and it's warm
with our hopes upside down
like chickadees in a tree.

This is a sure sign Spring has come in December.

Dear Reader, May I disturb you
w/ these versions of old pet rock?
Know that these are his sentiments, 
as near as I can make them.

And the mirror curves toward my dread,
and I start fading because I can't face her radiance.

O flame, O roses, O pleasure,
without her there is no there there,
but there is a here here, even
if I feel like I'm nowhere."

Nowhere, and
now her.

Dear Reader, We should ask ourselves why he didn't fall in love w/ a woman more attainable,
but I am not here to rewrite history, so much as to make an artifact to sell to the highest bidder,
as if it were but bling bling. And now, forget all that.