And his death, quaint.

I like quaint. I like to cultivate quaint, to have quaint hanging round my ardent gate, 
there is nothing  like quaint. 
I look at her, and I think "quaint," and when this happens, I am attracted. 
Metaphorically speaking. Eating quaint for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 

Intellectually, penetrating quaint.

I want to know quaint back to front and upside down and inside out, 
and I have the equipment for the task, I'm told.

Quaint is a spring day in the rain 
in England's Cotswold Hills, 
by the bait-house, beside the marsh, at eleven standing beside
her sister who is sixteen 
inches taller, and thinking you'd better not go to bed with her. 
Quaint is not merely decorative-it fills with meaning & some of it sticks. 
If I get up in the morning, it's thanks to quaint. I can't recommend quaint highly enough.

I stay up late for quaint. 
I keep solemn watch for quaint
I abide its coming, as things do to me. 
When people tell me, 'Quaint is catching on too fast & becoming common,' 
I always agree. 

Because I think it's a quaint idea. 

I'm glad there's quaint enough 
to go around. 
Speaking, as I am, of quaint, I double over, as though in pain.

   I look through my legs and have 
a great view of quaint. One never gets over it entirely. 

My very existence is riddled w/ quaint."

Talking about how she deprives him
of choice, and if at times he arms 
himself  w/ complaint, his
  subsides at his first
sight of her.


For all that he has ever suffered
for love
  rumpled & bruised
how his presence took. For by his
  all may judge his deficiencies,
		the too-soft face, mouth

a twist of doubt

	the laurel crown
ridiculous as any reputation
that precedes
The eyes
yes, soft as a woman's, can be 
  handsome, but a darkness, doubting,
also mars them, dark breeze ruffling
  calm lake, 	ruining reflection.
The nose
  less said the better. 

       Only love
can work for him. The voice
  trusting what karma prompts
& memory devises. 

Then time stops
  to remark his body, long since
 registered: not proportionate, but      

Kirlian flickers
  unseen by the naked eye
together w/ their perfume,
		say what's left

praise begins with the first syllable 
of your name.

Two things I want to say:
I dreamed of kissing you,
and my heart opened to you
			the first day we met.