

Mother Universe in yabyum
w/ Omnipotent Narcissus

Name: Ol' Dog




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As one who is awake in mutual marvel,           	
Love and I confess, 
		an ancient tale, 
A river that fell in love w/ a maiden-I  	
stretch myself as a river-her face
  Reflects, deeply, quietly.

When my thought is lost,
I flood in despair.

Enough for now to consider
    grief	   in this scale

	arises only from wasted life
	  the life one hasn't lived
	in the shadow of death
		  that fills each life.

  A cruel magic trick
brought down the house
     & the curtain
 	would be sleep

		Child, sleep
So we can wake at noon
w/ dream of transposed genitalia.

By 3:30 the transposed genitalia
just another dream being
counted by ants by the minute.
Learning trust.

	To decline to climb

But falling ill
there appeared the staircase down
   to the snug. 
What a place to put in 40 years!
In short, there was a shadow,
   considerable. It parted
& my love stepped out, so her gait
      arrived with her smile, her smile
with her voice. Which sd
       everything that there had been
a shadow. To begin with.

She respected herself.
   She would be courteous
unless provoked. She adored
   despite a lifetime w/ the evidence.

'Ol Dog stood before her quaking.
   That she didn't destroy him.
That she would. Coldness
   Had within her condiment of feeling. She stoned him. They
   blent. She showed him
herself, the scars.

He sat, she spun. 
They talked for hours.
Love weft through love.

Easy to be turned to stone,
thinking there's something he could do.

Laura in white shorts
sitting in her white Pinto
on red upholstery, him wanting
to kiss her but standing back

He sees her hand outstretched
returning some money,
wind blowing through
as he bends to take what she owes.

He doesn't know who is served
by his going broke in devotion,
yet it's a wonder she hasn't 
told him to shove off.

Hard to have it like you like it
when nothing's real until it's real
and then it's real forever.