

It seems a little absurd for someone as culturally limited as myself to be writing on a magazine of Japanese, English, and French translations, but [Three] Factorialdid come with an editorial statement that referenced Hooters and NASCAR, two concepts which go together in my comfort zone like my mamma and my papa. In fact, editor Sawako Nakayasu says that, when considering publishing Takashi Hiraide as a representative of Japanese poetry, she was contacted by the translator of French poet Henri Micheaux, warning her that to publish Hiraide would be a great "cultural crime." And the third issue of Factorial is filled with such beautiful crimes: exquisitely bound, with textured inserts, it wanders freely through the sensual and beautiful of three disparate languages. It also includes the first Vispo combining Japanese and English that I've, uh, read. --JP

Table of Contents from the first issue

Table of Contents from the second issue

Table of Contents and samples from the first issue

Table of Contents from the fourth issue

Factorial Press was founded in order to publish and encourage collaborative writing, and has been expanded to include works in translation, mostly from Japanese. Recent published works have included poems, plays, prose, instructions, conversations, headphone-driven performance text, titles, games, and scores. Factorial, an annual journal, will present a unique collection of writing and/or translations by many emerging and established writers and artists.

Factorial is edited by Sawako Nakayasu, along with rotating or impermanent guest editors.

Check out www.factorial.org. Factorial can be purchased through Half.com or Amazon.