An Anthology of Contemporary Nepali Poetry

Padma Devkota

Empty Nest

Ours was the responsibility to construct,
We took the pains.
With mud, sticks and foliage
We made the nest, 
Then filled it up. 
The chirpings and sweet noises
Of hungry beaks we managed,
We escaped the threats of the rain and the wind,
Of eagles and kites. 

The parents' love became life
Unto the young ones,
One fine morning, their wings grew strong
One after another they flew away
Over the forests, beyond the mountains,
Beyond the oceans,
They went somewhere. 

In this way the beautiful nest
Built with pain
Slowly housed just the two of us.
Its rowdiness, its chirpings, 
Its light, its twittering, 
O how did it all become empty!

Now the inhabitants of the empty nest
With weary old wings
We flap and circle a few times,
We do not think they will return.
Between sad memory and joyous hope
O! The tottering heart yet dreams
Of the joy of union, of being together
In the age of memories,
Missing someone, feeling a lack of something, 
We attempt to fulfill each other
Even as we bow down to the Eternal
Being a drop of whose motion 
We weep an ocean!

Drinking, reading,
Living, feeling
The painful poetry of life's tragedy,
Feeling with the heart the spell of the sky
Like a prism where light is broken,
After a day-long quest
We return to the nest
To count small pearls that we dropped,
But these had flown high to settle
Upon our own roof.

We the couple of an empty nest, 
Each time the morning bursts in colours
Yet sing our own songs. 


1.The meow in the dark
  teaches, not cooperation, but obedience.
  It gets lost in the dark.
  It needs no one .

2. I have fed milk to black and white cats
  but always with piercing eyes
  no cat has allowed me to approach it
  against its will
  because to no cat ever
  am I a necessity .

3. Like a leader near the elections,
  returning to me out of greed for milk
  the pussy that meows at other times
  (of course, frightening the weak of heart)
  cuddles close to human beings.
  Otherwise we don't know where it is.
  It feels no necessity for us at all.