An Anthology of Contemporary Nepali Poetry

Momila Joshi

Only When a Branch is Axed!

Dear man!
The one you love
Even when you axe a branch of a woman-tree
It's not only a branch
Hundreds of flowers turn lifeless
Thousands of leaves lose their support
Millions of seeds are lost. 
When a branch is axed
Things beyond your imagination happen!

When a branch is axed-
Along with the lifeless flowers, colours of the lips fade away
Along with those colours, dreams get discoloured
With those colours, fragrance of the life disappears
With the fragrance, excitements get emptied
When a branch is axed
Things beyond your imaginations happen!

When a branch is axed-
Along with the abandoned leaves, green faiths dry out
Along with those faiths, relations die
Along with those relations, the deep white peace of the mountain
The thrilling green steeps and slopes of the hills, and
The yellow love of the low-land swinging in ecstasy
Without any complaints cross the wall of your pride
And migrate to the region outside the wall
And for you, in the dustbin
There will be the cursed question of manhood
When a branch is axed
Things beyond your imagination happen!

When a branch is axed
With the demise of millions of seeds
The procession coming out of the cleft of the rocks,
Of the anarchic crowd will trap you
The black sky on all four sides
Will drop down in your self-declared strong settlement
And your empire
Will flood from the ridge of your eyes
Ultimately, your pride prone to be washed
Will be defeated by flooded emotions
You will clasp on the woman's feet
And will cry begging for the alms of love for the last time
When a branch is axed
Things beyond your imagination happen!

Listen, my dear!
If you axe the branch sitting on the branch itself
Along with the branch you also
For sure will be disconnected from life
From you discoloured, clumsy nest
You fall down to the courtyard from the empty terrace of the eyes
Ill-fated to have broken the wings before flight
Like the petrified young bird thinking of the collapse of the universe
San fragrance, san vibrations, ugly you become
And silently, silently you rise from the heap of ash
You, the dusty dream that couldn't be accommodated in the eyes
Will restlessly wander in the void of the universe
Where you will find no support of love!
At last, in your settlement devoid of the sound of bangles
Your settlement devoid of the vibrations of the anklets
Only left are your cruel targets
If you axe the branch sitting on the branch itself
Things beyond your imagination happen!

You, in this way-
The one you love
Even when you axe the branch of a woman-tree
It's not only a branch
Hundreds of flowers turn lifeless
Thousands of leaves lose their support
Millions of seeds are lost. 
If you axe the branch sitting on the branch itself
The long breathe of the woman collides with your breathe to create a storm
And trespass the empire of your settlement
And in the messy remains after the storm's fierce dance is over
She will leave you in the imagination of a lovers' settlement
Will leave you in the imagination
And only in the dream-
Pressing all the pride that took away the sleep with the pillow
Look at your naïve sleeping face
In the soul of the butterfly that kisses your forehead
One that loves you 
The woman's proprietary right is deposited 
Only when a branch is axed
Things beyond your imagination happen!

			(Translation from Nepali by Keshab Sigdel)