¡Esos malditos escuincles!

25 Mexican poets 30 and under


Rojo Córdova


Niña, niña

niña, Santísima Muerte,
tápales los ojos un ratito a los que las cuidan

y llévatelas corriendo de la mano,
consíguete una hilera de ADO's en la Tapo
y rápido, niña, llévatelas de regreso a sus pueblos.

Velas consolando en el camino
que duerman tranquilitas aunque sea un ratito, niña.
Diles que si las quieren volver a enamorar los pachucos esos, te echen un grito,
Y que tú les haces el paro
(diles que tú sí las quieres, niña, pero diles)

Haz que vuelvan a tener confianza, alfabetízalas
impárteles un taller de artes marciales, regálales unas cámaras,
impárteles un taller de realización cinematográfica
(que cuenten su historia, niña. Tú todavía no tienes tu canal de televisión)

Pega la oreja al suelo de sus pueblos
escucha nomás como llora esa tierra todo el día
Impártele también un taller a la tierra de sus pueblos,
Abre tus brazos y sé su abrigo, haz que esa tierra se vuelva a querer
y quiera volverle a dar de comer a sus niñas aunque no sean niños

Escucha todo lo que esa tierra te tenga que contar
No dejes de arrullarla
Y en cuanto cierre sus ojitos dale tus huesitos con caldito y tortillitas de comer,
Ayúdala a que se pueda volver a levantar,
enséñale otra vez a caminar,

Chuléale sus chapotas
(ayúdala a reírse otra vez)

Hazle sus trenzas
y organízale sus Quince Años
(porque sus papás nunca se los pudieron pagar)
Sé su madrina y cocínale su mole y su pastel

Preséntale cada átomo de tu ahijada a un hombre bueno
Pa' que los bese todos y cada uno
y la haga estar feliz de haber nacido mujer

y una noche
Despídete de todas tus ahijadas en el pueblo
Pero déjalas ya con carrera
y con sus AK-47s
y con sus buenos trailers, cargamentos y contactos
pa' que se vuelvan más listas, emprendedoras y ya no se las puedan volver robar, niña

dales un besito en la frente a todas

y entonces vete elevando
con todo y tu hilerota de ADO's,
abre tus alas y
vete volando
transformada en nubarrones de cuetes blancos

vete a rescatar más niñas de la Merced y la Central de Abastos, Niña


Niña, Niña

niña, Most Holy Death,
for just a little while cover the eyes of the ones taking care of the girls

and take them running by the hand,
get behind a line of ADOs 1 at the Mexico City North Bus Station
and quick, girl, take them all back to their towns.

Console them while on the road
let them sleep quietly, even if for just a little while, niña.
Tell them that if those pachuco guys still want to court them, to holler at you,
And you will do the trick
(tell them you truly love them, girl, but do tell them)

Let those girls feel trust again, teach them how to read
teach them a martial arts workshop, give them some cameras,
teach them a filmmaking workshop
(let them tell their story, girl. You still don't have your own TV Channel)

Stick your ear to the soil of their people
just listen how their land cries all day
Teach also a workshop to the land of their people,
Open your arms and be their overcoat, make the Earth love herself again
and let her want to feed her girls even though they are not boys

Listen to everything that this land has to tell you
Don't stop cradling her
And when she closes her eyes give her your small bones with broth and tiny tortillas for dinner,
Help her get back up on her feet again,
teach her to walk again,
Flatter her big rosy cheeks
(help her laugh again)

Braid her hair
and organize her Sweet Sixteen party
(because her parents were never able to pay for it)
Be her godmother and cook her mole and cake

Introduce each atom of your goddaughter to a good man
So that he kisses each and all of them
and makes her happy to have been born a woman

and one night
Say goodbye to all your goddaughters in town
But leave them with a profession
and their AK-47s
and their good trailers, loads and contacts
so they can become smarter, enterprising and no one can steal them again, niña

give them all a small kiss on their foreheads

and then leave, rise up
take with you your long line of ADOs,
open your wings and
keep flying
transformed in dark clouds of white rockets

go rescue more girls from la Merced and the Central Market, Niña


1ADO is a Bus Company in Mexico



-I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message.
  -I'm John McCain and I approve this message.


Ese capítulo nuevo de Los Simpsons donde Homero vota por Obama
pero la máquina le responde:
McCain McCain McCain


McCain que negó el nombre de Bush 3 veces en cadena nacional
(una vez por debate)
(-Y tú, John, me negarás tres veces antes de las elecciones.
-No, maestro, yo nunca haría eso; ni siquiera por el hecho de que su equipo de campaña hace 4 años me imputó
la violación de una africana y me acusó de tener una hija fruto de esa relación fuera del matrimonio)

Convención Nacional Demócrata
(fueron 4 días en Denver)
Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Bruce Springsteen, Sheryl Crowe
Joe Biden: (about McCain) that's not a change,
                                                 that's more of the same!
Hillary Clinton: No way,
                          no how,
                                  NO McCain!

Un Nígger llegará a la Casa Blanca, señor McCain

-Cambiará el color de la cabeza, pero el juego seguirá siendo el mismo. Listen to me, you browny, have you
heard what senator Obama has to say about your people, about
Guess what, he's got nothing to say about it at all.
-But you approve the redadas, bien cañón.
-Yes, sir, but I know how to deal with your fucking people, goddamn it!
Even I went to the Basilica
y me tomé una foto with your fucking
La Virgencita de Putalupe

I know how to deal with your people
And THAT no
(THAT = Obama)

Don't waste your dreams, pal. Do not even dare to believe in ese spot donde un mariachi canta a favor de

nuestros ojos están puestos en Wall Street
Nobody it's going to give a shit about your pinche reforma migratoria

El día de mañana vamos a competir con your browny people por esos trabajos que ni los negros querían
Y en verdad te digo: los vamos a odiar más que nunca
Porque van a seguir viniendo, pero acá ya no habrá work to do
Y se volverán maleantes
Y nos pelearemos por los suburbios más adinerados Nos vamos a pelear las negras más sabrosas para violarlas Sus putas van a competir con nuestras putas Y en verdad te digo: Los odiaremos más que nunca [...]



-I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message. -I'm John McCain and I approve this message.



That new episode of The Simpsons where Homer votes for Obama
but the machine responds:
McCain McCain McCain

McCain who denied Bush 3 times in national network

(once every debate)
(-And you, John, will deny me three times before the elections.
-No, Master, I would never do that; not even if 4 years ago your campaign team blamed me of raping an
African woman and accused me of having a daughter fruit of that relationship outside my marriage)

Democratic National Convention
(4 days in Denver)
Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Bruce Springsteen, Sheryl Crowe
Joe Biden: (about McCain) that's not a change,
                                                 that's more of the same!
Hillary Clinton: No way,
                          no how,
                                  NO McCain!

A Nigger will make it to the White House, Mr. McCain

-The color of the head might change, but the game will remain the same. Listen to me, you browny, have you
heard what senator Obama has to say about your people, about
Guess what, he's got nothing to say about it at all.
-But you approve the redadas, bien cañón.
-Yes, sir, but I know how to deal with your fucking people, goddamn it!
Even I went to the Basilica

and got my photo taken with your fucking
La Virgencita de Putalupe

I know how to deal with your people
And THAT no
(THAT = Obama)

Don't waste your dreams, pal. Do not even dare to believe in that spot where a mariachi
sings in favor
of Obama.

are on Wall Street
Nobody is going to give a shit about your "pinche reforma migratoria"

Tomorrow we will compete with your browny people for those jobs even blacks wouldn't want
to do

And I truly tell you: we will hate them more than ever
Because they will keep coming, pero acá ya no habrá work to do
And they will become crooks
And we will fight for the wealthiest suburbs
We will fight for the sweetest negras to rape them
Their whores will compete with our whores
And I truly tell you:
We will hate them more than ever