Anthology of Tibetan Poets


Tenzing Dolma


Cries of Sorrow

Cries of sorrow and anguish penetrate throughout
The monk frantically recites prayers
Shouts and commotion thunder violently
His resistance is met with force

Hearts beat with anxiety and fright
The mother's eyes well with tears
As her child's innocence is robbed 
Their pleads drowned by shots

Blood spilling through the streets
The cold cement, a sea of red
Bodies lay lifeless and limp
Their stories lie untold

The purity of the vast land
Resonance of children singing
An undeniable beauty
The emblems of our nation - 
Lay in ruins, stained 
With the lives of our brothers and sisters

We will not mourn for eternity
We will not succumb to the genocide
We will remain resilient, and over time - 
We will stand as one entity, and prevail