Big Bridge Press


Big Bridge is an online magazine started in 1997 that extends the vision first articulated by Big Bridge Press, an important publisher of fine print poetry and art books founded in 1990. Big Bridge Press has published works by Allen Ginsberg, Jim Harrison, Joanne Kyger, Andrei Codrescu and Philip Whalen, among many others.

Big Bridge, now in its 15th year, is one of the oldest and most visited English language literary magazines on the web.  A powerful online presence, it strives to build "bridges" that bring all artistic communities together to create and share ideas in an open and supportive environment.

Big Bridge has a tradition of offering previously unpublished chapbooks devoted to single poets such as Nathaniel Tarn, Renee Gregorio, Mahmoud Darwish, Robert Creeley, Bill Berkson, Ed Dorn, Clark Coolidge, Sarah Menefee and Michael McClure.  The poetic anthology, The Language of War and Peace, Berkeley Daze, Bolinas Dreaming, and most recently the previously unpublished selected correspondence of Stan Brakhage and Michael McClure chronicle and preserve important historical literary perspectives and help to define Big Bridge's commitment to an evolving and flourishing literary community.


Here are some highlights of what is to come in the 15th Anniversary Issue of Big Bridge due out in Spring 2012:

bridge work, a feature poetry chapbook by Andrei Codrescu, with illustrations by Nancy Victoria Davis

Voices for Change: A Contemporary Anthology of Moroccan Poets, edited by El Habib Louai

Jonathan Penton will manifest Cuyahoga Burning, a feature on current Ohio literature

Brian Unger's second installation of Excerpts from the Philip Whalen Journals

Poetry from Japan, A Contemporary Anthology of Japanese Poetry by Jane Nakagawa

Adam Cornford will present a special feature "Neo-Surrealism and the Politics of The Marvelous"

Thomas Devaney will be editing an exploratory anthology of contemporary tree poems.

Bonnie Finberg will be presenting 20 POETS, a poetry anthology dedicated to Akilah Oliver which will include poems by Jim Harrison, John Yau, Steve Dalachinsky, Bob Holman, Alice Notley, Patricia Spears Jones, Lynn Crawford, Louise Landis Levi and more.

The compelling artist, Jim Spitzer, will be back with his tour de force project of art and text: THE BOOK: 40 PAGES

A mindbending gallery of visual splendor from Paris-Tsunami Book's Henrik Aeshna.