One day when I was young I had to call Jimmy up
Greg Grummer

and tell him I couldn’t come over to play as my mom had
caught me looking into the furnace of origins again,

the laughingstock otherwise known as the building place camera
and it was a funny area of games and genius.

I remember this because Jimmy was choleric and said
what the heck man get the hell over here I don’t care

what you’ve been looking at but then he broke off
communications and went to the forest to go to the bathroom.

Many civilizations rose and came to flower on the back of such stuff.

O you human beings with your smell of hope for the weekend
and teeth-grinding that goes on in the name of earnest regime.

So instead of going over to Jimmy’s I spent the day under my mom’s
watchful eye, avoiding looking at the home theater of dogs bigger than this,

the donut full of black crème, the lake that exists to bury old cars.